While DIY foundation repair may seem convenient and cost-effective for fixing cracks and leaks, it often does not address the underlying problems and only works temporarily. For example, you may be able to seal the cracks in your foundation using DIY sealing methods, but this will not fix potential structural issues that have caused the cracks to appear in the first place.
Simply put, DIY for foundation repair is like sweeping the actual foundation problem under the rug. You may be able to hide the problem temporarily, but over time, it will develop into a bigger problem, requiring extensive, costly repair. When it comes to your foundation, neglecting any damage can gradually lead to structural issues and safety risks. This article addresses why homeowners should avoid DIY foundation repair techniques and opt for professional repair solutions.
Importance of Foundation Integrity
The foundation supports the weight of your home, making it the most important part of any structure. The strength of the foundation directly influences the stability of your home. If you want to safeguard the structural integrity of your home, you must make sure that the foundation is in good condition. Maintaining foundation integrity requires careful attention during construction and regular repair and maintenance. Without regular maintenance, your foundation may develop cracks and other damage, which threaten its strength. It’s better to invest in foundation maintenance regularly than to replace your entire foundation when it fails.
Signs and Symptoms of Foundation Failure
Damage to your foundation indicates an underlying problem that requires repair. These are some of the common visible signs of foundation problems that you should be aware of:
- Foundation cracks: Cracks in foundation floors and walls are one of the most common signs of foundation damage. It is normal for foundations to develop cracks over the years. However, not all cracks are safe to ignore. Hairline cracks are usually not problematic. But, if the cracks are significantly larger, ranging from a few millimeters to an inch or more, then it is most likely a structural problem. Horizontal or stair-step cracks are particularly problematic.
- Exterior Wall Cracks: Exterior wall cracks may indicate a settling foundation. These cracks often go unnoticed. Make sure to routinely check the exterior of your home for any cracks.
- Uneven Floor: Uneven floors often result from a foundation that is settling or shifting unevenly. You may feel that the floors in your home are uneven or saggy.
- Leaning Chimney: Leaning chimneys can be a sign of foundation damage. This damage may result from a shifting foundation that causes the chimney to misalign with the structure and appear tilted. If this issue is not addressed properly, the chimney can gradually pull away from the structure, posing safety risks.
- Bowing Foundation Walls: Bowing walls in the foundation result from hydrostatic pressure from the soil around the foundation. They may appear to be bulging inward with noticeable cracks on the surface of the wall. This is a severe structural problem and requires immediate repair.
- Sticking Doors and Windows: If you have trouble opening and closing doors and windows, it may be due to a foundation problem. When the foundation settles, it may cause the doors and window frames to warp and misalign.
- Detached Cabinets: If your cabinets are pulling away from your walls, it may be time to schedule a professional foundation inspection. This may be an effect of a settling foundation.
- Mold and Mildew: Mold and mildew in your basement or crawl space indicate that moisture is leaking inside and affecting your home. Moisture can cause your foundation to deteriorate and shift, so it’s important to have it inspected if you have new moisture issues.
- Water Damage: If you detect water spots, leaking cracks, or water pooling in the foundation, it is a sign of water damage. Persistent water damage can weaken the foundation.
10 Reasons Why You Should Not Attempt DIY Foundation Repair
Foundation repair is better done by professionals who have extensive knowledge and expertise in handling foundation problems. Professional repair jobs often involve a combination of complex processes tailored to address specific foundation damage. However, DIY repairs do not offer a lasting solution. Here is why DIY repair methods are not as efficient as professional repair methods:
Mistaking the Problem
One of the most common problems with using DIY methods is the likelihood of misdiagnosing the foundation problem. Although some foundation problems, like cracks and leaks, may appear easily fixable, the repair processes are often complicated. Trying to identify the cause of leaks or cracks may lead to a false diagnosis of the problem, leading to incorrect DIY solutions.
Safety Risks
Foundation repair involves the use of heavy specialized equipment, such as drilling and excavating tools. Handling these tools without proper training or experience can lead to physical harm and damage to the structure. The improper use of such tools may further weaken the foundation, posing the risk of structural collapse. It can be dangerous to operate these tools without the proper training, safety equipment, and expertise.
Time and Effort Involved
DIY foundation repair can take a lot of time and effort. From self-diagnosing the problem to finding a suitable DIY solution, it can be complex and time-consuming. Investing so much time and energy in DIY repair, which is merely a temporary fix, may not be worthwhile.
Losing Your Warranty
The warranty is an important aspect of the foundation for homeowners. If you’ve had foundation repairs performed before, they may be covered by a warranty, saving you from expensive repair bills. However, attempting to DIY foundation damage repair may lead to warranty term violations. On the other hand, professional repair maintains the warranty, offering homeowners peace of mind.
Long-Term Higher Costs
Although DIY methods may appear to be less expensive in the beginning, they can be costlier over time. Since DIY methods do not offer a lasting solution, you may have to redo the repair multiple times, causing you to spend more money. On the other hand, professional repair solves the foundation problem in one go, saving you additional repair costs.
Wrong Tools and Materials
Using the wrong tools and low-quality materials can weaken the foundation and escalate any damage. The specialized equipment used in foundation repairs is expensive and may not be easily accessible. For effective repairs done right, it’s better to get professional help.
Impact on Home Value
Poorly performed DIY repairs can significantly impact the value of your property. Since buyers are more willing to invest in well-maintained homes, selling the property with DIY fixes may not offer the desired value.
Long-Term Stability
DIY repair methods lack the durability needed for your home’s long-term stability. Temporary fixes are not as effective as professional solutions and may lead to further damage.
No Recourse for DIY Mistakes
There is no recourse for DIY mistakes. If the DIY repair fails, you cannot hold anyone else accountable for the failure. If professional repairs fail or do not last, you can often ask the company to fix the repairs, which may be covered by a warranty.
Professional Repairs Come with Warranties
Professional foundation repairs offer the benefit of warranties. Depending on the type of solution implemented for your foundation, you will receive different types of warranties. Most permanent repair methods have lifetime warranties, while other repair methods may offer warranties valid for a few years. A professional repair warranty can help add value to your property and ensure that repairs are reliable.
How Long Do Professional Repairs Take Compared to DIY?
DIY repair methods may take longer than professional repair. Foundation repair is a complex process, and attempting to fix the damage without any training can take a long time. While DIY repair may take a long time, professional repair usually takes 1 to 3 days. If the damage is extensive, professionals may take around 1 to 2 weeks to finish an extensive job. Although the precise repair duration depends on the type of foundation damage, professional repair is much quicker and more durable.
Get Your Foundation Repaired By Professionals
Do not rely on DIY repair methods to address your foundation problems. The foundation is the basis of your home’s stability. Any negligence in handling foundation problems can significantly compromise the structural integrity of your home. If your home has any signs of foundation damage, KC Waterproofing and Foundation Repair is here to help. We offer a complete foundation repair solution that is personalized according to your foundation’s unique needs. Backed by a team of foundation experts, we offer industry-standard professional repair that lasts for decades. Call us to schedule a free inspection.